斷熱耐火磚 (1400℃ & 1500℃ & BL-170)
◆斷熱耐火磚 (1400℃ & 1500℃ & BL-170)
◆ 斷熱耐火磚是使用嚴選的原料在嚴密的管理下所製成的高溫斷火耐熱磚
◆ INSULATING FIRE BRICK (1400℃ & 1500℃ & BL-170)
Insulating fire brick for high-temperatureinsulating and saving energy.
◆ 特徵/Characteristics
1. 高溫再熱收縮非常小,熱安定極佳,使用壽命長。 1. Very low heat shrinkage in high temperature,
(1200℃再熱線收縮<0.1%) excellent heat stability and long life in use.
2. 單一氣孔大,隔熱性佳。。 2. Big single pore and good heat insulation.
3. Fe2O3含有量低,對各種氣氛抵抗性大。 3. Lower iron content and better resistance to
4. 對酸性及鹽基性溶渣有極佳的耐侵蝕性。 atmosphere reduction.
5. 耐熱濺裂佳。 4. Excellent corrosion resistance to acid and slag.
6. 高強度及穩定氣孔結構,能在高溫下使用。 5. Good heat resistance and thermo-shock.
7. 低密度及低熱傳導率,大量節約能源。 6. High strength and stabled hole construction
can be use in high temperature
7. Low density and low thermal diffusion, saving
a lot of energy.
◆ 用途/Purposes
1. 各種燒成爐、熱風爐、石油加熱爐等, 1. Various lining for firing furnace, petroleum
1400℃及1500℃下使用之高溫爐內襯。 heating furnace.
2. 金屬燒結爐內襯。 2. Metal sintering furnace.
3. 半導體燒成爐內襯。 3. Semi-conductor backing furnace.
4. 其他氫氣氛燒結爐內襯。 4. Others, sintering furnace lining for hydrogen