


◆ SiC Refractory

SiC Under strictly material, kiln furnitures become thinner and meet energy-saving.


1. 抗高溫荷重性極優。                                                        1. Excellent in dimensional stability as well as high

2. 常溫熱傳導率高。                                                                loading ability at high temperature.

3. 抗熱震。                                                                          2. High heat conductivity.

4. 常溫強度及耐磨耗性比較小。                                          3. Resist thermal shock.

5. 優良之抗氧化性極耐溶渣侵蝕性。                                   4. High strength at room temperature and good

                                                                                               abrasion resistance.

                                                                                           5. Excellent anti-oxidation in an environment.


1. 陶瓷器燒成用各種窯具。 (棚板、支柱、匣砵等)            1. Various kiln furniture for pottery & porcelain firing

2. 電子材料燒成用窯具。                                                       (slaba, buckstaves , saggers).

3. 各種爐底板。                                                                  2. Kiln furniture for electronic material firing.

4. 非鐵金屬熔解爐內襯、保護套管、擋渣磚。                   3. Various hearth plate.

5. 耐高溫、耐磨耗內襯。                                                    4. Lining of non-melting furnace.

                                                                                          5. Using for wear resistant material.